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How to efficiently plan and pack for a trip?

Muhammad Jaseel S Muhammad Jaseel S Follow Jul 22, 2020 · 5 mins read
How to efficiently plan and pack for a trip?
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Admit it! Planning for a trip can seem a bit challenging, especially when you travel with your family. And you should know that we are here to guide you! Up next, we’ve shared our insights on how to efficiently plan and pack for a trip, no matter if you are a nomad, or traveling with your family. Let’s see how you can get organized starting today.

The best way to plan and pack your bags for your trip

You might think it is impossible to get everything organized for a trip. And, indeed, there are plenty of unexpected situations that can make your plan useless. Still, you should know that packing only travel essentials can help you travel light, especially if you are a nomad.


We believe that the following items should not be overlooked when packing your bags for a trip:

  1. Opt for travel jeans, those pants that come with several pockets in which you can store small items. And these pants are created from a comfortable and stretchy material, which can improve your comfort while traveling from one location to another.

  2. Consider bringing a pair of hiking pants. Plenty of travel destinations nowadays encourage their visitors to explore nearby hiking paths. So, why not be prepared for your next adventure?

  3. Choose a multipurpose pair of shoes that can become your ally for several hours of walking and hiking. Of course, depending on the time of the year you plan your trip, you might need an additional pair of winter boots or summer shoes.

  4. Always have with you a wool clothing item. This can keep you warm during an unexpected summer rain, but at the same time, it can shield you from the harsh cold in winter.

  5. Pack in your bags, only cotton clothing. It can regulate your body temperature no matter the time of the year, and at the same time, it acts as a naturally anti-microbial fabric.

  6. Each traveler should have a money belt. It is the safest way to keep your precious belongings safe, as it comes with special pockets for your passport, IDs, cards, and money.

  7. It might be a good idea to bring with you a reusable water bottle. It is an eco-friendly choice, and it can keep your water from becoming stale while traveling.

  8. Don’t forget to pack a travel towel to be prepared for the unexpected situation in which your accommodation doesn’t offer towels.

  9. After you finish packing clothes essential, you should think about travel medication. Bring with you everything you might need to soothe an upset tummy, but don’t forget about an unexpected cold. Also, having a bug repellant in your bag might save you a lot of discomfort.

Of course, you can add several other items in your bags. But we do recommend bringing only the essentials. It is always best to have a lightweight bag, backpack, or trolley, instead of a bulky bag. Also, we encourage you to purchase everything ahead of time and avoid buying your travel essentials when arriving at your accommodation.

How to unpack your bags at your travel destination

Now that you know what you need to pack, we can move forward. It is not enough to carefully pack your clothes for your trip. You have to unpack your bags as soon as you arrive. This can help you keep everything clean and dry, while it can save you a lot of hassle with wrinkled shirts.

Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

Our advice is to:

  • Check the wardrobe at your accommodation to see if it is clean.
  • Wipe out potential dust with cleansing wipes.
  • Get everything out of your bag and use hangers to store them in your accommodation wardrobe.
  • Make sure you never leave any valuable items in your room.

How to repack when your trip is over

Of course, we know it is tempting to skip the packing process when it comes to going back home. But you might discover that you won’t manage to fit everything back in. So, we encourage you to do the following:

  • Take each clothing item and carefully fold it as you did when packing your bags for traveling.
  • Make sure you position bulky or heavy items at the top of your bag.
  • Add everything in layers, so that your bag won’t end up looking bulky.

What to look for when planning for a trip?


When you plan your trip, make sure you search for travel information on trustworthy platforms, such as FareFirst. You will get reliable and personalized offers so that your trip is hassle-free. And we do believe it is always best to spend additional time on this step, rather than ending up in a foreign country without an actual accommodation!


After you settle upon a travel itinerary, you should think about your health and needs. We recommend you opt for purchasing comprehensive travel insurance just to have peace of mind while traveling. And, of course, stolen items are inevitable in some destinations. Make sure your travel policy includes both healthcare and stolen items coverage. But it might be a good idea to add additional amenities such as flight insurance or airport lost bags insurance.

Nomad help

If you are traveling alone or you are a restless nomad, check out the personalized information at FareFirst Nomad. This section is filled with useful information about popular travel destinations for nomads, and it can help you get the best deal for your needs! Besides, you might end up being part of an exciting community committed to traveling the world.

The bottom line

If you want to plan and pack for a trip efficiently, you will need at least two weeks for it. And before you say this is too much, we can tell you from our experience that it is, in fact, a short timeframe. Travelling can make you extremely anxious and joyful, which in turn might lead to you forgetting essential items.

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Muhammad Jaseel S
Written by Muhammad Jaseel S Follow
ThinkTank@FareFirst. I think, therefore I am.